Too good to be true! : Shawn Kemp is forfeiting half his salary and will be waived by the Blazers. I'm too excited to proofread. Could Burnitz be next?
It's just mind blowing. I still don't understand why or how it happened. I wonder, and I say this very guardedly, if there was a possibility of a third drug offense. If so, that would really complicated his next step. I would *love* to see Sean Kemp on the Lakers, as well.
posted by djacobs at 01:01 PM on August 20, 2002
Why djacobs? Because you hate the Lakers?
posted by insomnyuk at 02:35 PM on August 20, 2002
Yes, I very much hate the Lakers. However, I think it would make the rivalry more interesting. And I've always been a Sean Kemp fan, so I'd like to see him in an environment where he can succeed.
posted by djacobs at 02:41 PM on August 20, 2002
I might be biased here ( being from Indiana, where the NBA is some kind of sick joke and where REAL basketball is played, with defense and everything) but I sincerely hope that Kemp gets to the Lakers. Having Kemp on the team is like having a cancerous tumor. He'll poison LA basketball rather quickly.
posted by ttrendel at 12:41 AM on August 21, 2002
I might be biased here ( being from Indiana, where the NBA is some kind of sick joke and where REAL basketball is played, with defense and everything) but I sincerely hope that Kemp gets to the Lakers. Having Kemp on the team is like having a cancerous tumor. He'll poison LA basketball rather quickly.
posted by ttrendel at 12:42 AM on August 21, 2002
Burnitz? Jeromy Burnitz, lousy Mets outfielder?
posted by shackbar at 04:58 AM on August 21, 2002
yes, shackbar, that's him.
posted by djacobs at 02:16 PM on August 21, 2002
Pretty amazing that Kemp is willing to do that. Not saying he deserves the money but hey. I'm sure his agent is pretty pissed. I wonder about the child support implications - I believe he has 7 children by 6 mothers? Is their compensation a set amount or does it fluctuate with his earnings? Maybe he returned money because he didn't want so much going for child support? I have no information at all with regards to his fitness as a father so I probably shouldn't speculate but I wonder if there's more than meets the eye here.