"The Football Project: has three primary activities. The first is to collect play-by-play accounts of all games in pro football history; the second is to convert those accounts into a proprietary scoring format; and the third is to digitize that information to enable advanced statistical analysis." By the same people who did the Baseball Prospectus. [via MetaFilter]
posted by kirkaracha to football at 02:23 PM - 2 comments
Nice. Fortunately for my monthly budget, I can't get it shipped in time for my FFL draft next week. I got the BP for the first time this past spring and was very impressed. I've been a Rob Neyer fan for a while, and had to go get Win Shares when it came out. I guess I'm fully hooked on sabermetrics. I don't know if football will be able to support a whole cottage industry of stat geeks, but it's good to see that someone is giving it a shot.
posted by mbd1 at 10:10 AM on August 17, 2002
historical football stats have (ahem, historically) been very hard to locate. i'm an avid football stat person, a strat-o-matic geek. i found the football reference (which the prospectus links to, awhile back. you can download some raw data there and play around with it. excellent link. and i was trying to save some money this month.