You think these owners are corrupt?: Newspapers weren't even allowed to publish standings in the 1880s!
Dear Sirs: I am of the sound opinion that those who would attempt the numeration of their team’s victories are missing the point of the very existence of base ball leagues. It is to get out of doors into the fresh air and buy refreshments for oneself and one’s friends.
B. Mann
Bristol, Conn.
I want to second esoltano's motion. [about the link, not beans. :)
posted by tieguy at 09:21 AM on August 18, 2002
Thanks for the kind words! I love 'ole Scribbly. He once wrote about Rey Ordonez stopping this grounder in the rain. The ball was "strapping on it's galoshes and skipping on the freedom" when Rey intercepted the ball from its intended destination. I don't do it justice, but it was one of the most beautifully written passages about baseball I've ever read.
posted by djacobs at 12:45 PM on August 20, 2002
Unfortunately I have nothing of value to add other than saying that this was my favorite Sportsfilter link all week. I will, however, remark on how great it is that people used to say "How's that for beans?" in the 1930s. We need to bring that back.