Canada advances to World Cup semis: Hector Vergara, a referee from Winnipeg, will work the sidelines for the Germany-Italy semi-final, and has blogged his Cup experience. (via Toronto Star)
I wonder if he carried his gear to Europe in a hiking backpack with a Canadian flag patch.
posted by holden at 08:55 AM on July 04, 2006
Excellent link smithers. A real insider's view. Good work.
posted by squealy at 10:30 AM on July 04, 2006
Looking over the games his team worked, they don't seem to have screwed up the red and yellow cards nearly as badly as other officiating teams. Cool post, thanks.
posted by billsaysthis at 11:15 AM on July 04, 2006
Picking nits: Caption under the first photo: Our team after the game - we were very pleased with our performance. That he would choose the word "performance" bothers me a bit. Good post.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 11:25 AM on July 04, 2006
Wow...great blog...nice stories...hope these gentlemen are having a great trip to the World Cup. Plus it gives us a whole new perspective on the games...officials blogging...nice
posted by chemwizBsquared at 11:32 AM on July 04, 2006
Texan, when I get my yearly job review it is sometimes referred to as a "performance appraisal." And what I do all day is considerably less athletic and less public than what those guys do. Nice link, smithers.
posted by Amateur at 11:45 AM on July 04, 2006
I wish I could take credit for digging up the story, but I have to pass that on to Chris Young, the Toronto Star sports columnist who is blogging the World Cup and filing stories from Germany. I'm sure he is having a heck of a time.
posted by smithers at 07:05 PM on July 04, 2006
Speaking of referees, I just heard on Fox Soccer news that Jorge Larrionda, the Uruguyuan who supervised the USA-Italy match, will be manning the whistle tomorrow for Portugal-France. I sure hope whoever wins the match doesn't lose two or three players for the final from cards!
posted by billsaysthis at 09:56 PM on July 04, 2006
I hope Portugal do lose two or three players:)
posted by Drood at 10:13 PM on July 04, 2006
That he would choose the word "performance" bothers me a bit. You need to say more. What exactly about "performance" is problematic for you? Yeah, (yet another) great post, Smithers!
posted by Spitztengle at 11:50 PM on July 04, 2006
I have to admit todays match between Germany and italy was the best officiated match so far. So credit to the ref.
posted by skins fan at 03:50 AM on July 05, 2006
i would have wanted germany to scale to the finals.
posted by poda72 at 11:18 AM on July 05, 2006
Wow. Go internet. That is really interesting and something (the blog) that I couldn't picture having occurred during the last World Cup. I will be cheering for some accurate and fair offisde calls today, for sure.