Hidden: Joga Bonita, yeah right: The beautiful game has taken a huge hit. Seems like the Nike campaign is great in theory, but most of its own featured athletes are hypocrites. Henry- badge of courage for not diving...tell that to Spain with the phantom elbow to the face that he acted on. Figo headbutting an opponent during a game 2 feet from a ref and getting a yellow card. Capt. America flaming out big time. If the time wasters have to spend a day in hell for every minute they waste, most of the winning (sometimes even) teams will be spending years there. I am a huge fan and get sick of trying to explain why a stretcher is necessary ten times a game. I have broken limbs on the pitch and never needed a freaking stretcher. No wonder the refs miss half the calls and get the other half wrong...cheaters, liars and fakers. Yet we expect professionalism from a referee who is constantly being decieved by both teams. I say to make the game beautiful again we give the ref a stun gun and if you spend more than ten seconds on the pitch without major injury he gets to zap you. That'll keep the game going.
posted by urall cloolis to soccer at 07:51 PM - 5 comments
Uh, wtf was that? It's not even a story. Slightly above linking back to Sportsfilter, or even your own site. Let's see what the judges say. 1.5 from the US 2.0 from Canada 2.5 from Belgium 0.25 from Uzbekistan You really pissed off Uzbekistan. The wrath of Uzbekistan is harsh and swift! Hey wait! No, you're the Cloolis one! I don't like it when usernames insult me.
posted by jerseygirl at 08:17 PM on June 27, 2006
Play on when a player goes down. Once they 'get' the idea that the game continues without them, they'll find their legs without stretcher/cold spray/magic sponge.
posted by nawyecky at 08:19 PM on June 27, 2006
Damn. Somebody needs a meds refill.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 08:19 PM on June 27, 2006
Link Dump - Heidi Klum's Babes of the World Cup Tourney
posted by geekyguy at 08:56 PM on June 27, 2006
Please read this. cloolis indeed.