Sports Business Daily.: All the business news behind the sports news, because after all, it's all business, isn't it? vito90 is gonna love this (if it isn't already a daily read).
posted by worldcup2002 to general at 07:01 PM - 4 comments
great stuff... particularly the "articles of interest" section.
posted by jackhererra at 06:33 AM on August 07, 2002
Actually it was not a daily read until now. I'm going to have to digest this sucker over the next two weeks to see if I should subscribe. It's pretty dense with information. I especially like the section on Ratings and Research which has all sorts of brain snacks - franchise valuations, web site ratings, Nielsen ratings. Also a chart on namings rights fees is interesting. Thanks worldcup2002! This site scores a Goooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllll!
posted by vito90 at 08:23 AM on August 07, 2002
That does look pretty interesting, but I can't for the life of me figure out how much an actual subscription will cost. Anyone find that info? I'd like to know before I sign up for the trial...
posted by tieguy at 02:25 PM on August 07, 2002
And, apropos of the topic, they wanna charge you for access. But they do have a free two-week no-obligation trial.