Two words: job security.: He can't be traded, bought out, waived, dealt and probably looked at the wrong way under the terms of the new agreement. Bryan McCabe's crazy contract.
One of the main reasons Pat Quinn was let go was because he couldn't change his thinking on anyone, so referring to him as your main source isn't the wisest thing. Also, Simmons is a tool. What this deal says to McCabe is that they're epecting him to not just comntinue being a force on the power play, but to be a leader and mentor (along with Kaberle) to the half-dozen new defensemen now coming up. If he can help train the defense corps well in the next few years, then this deal is a bargain on both sides.
posted by chicobangs at 10:51 PM on June 01, 2006
The owners locked out the hockey players because of contracts getting to out of control. And they still agree to contracts that make no sence and just put them in a bind and cost them money. Who protects the Fans from the owners.
posted by tanker57 at 04:46 AM on June 02, 2006
Actually not an awful deal - but talk about an overvalued player. McCabe just isn't that good. He scores on the power play, but still has the tendency to have huge mental errors - even though he's almost a ten year vet. Ahhhhh, rumors have it that Lindros is re-signing too. I just want to scream. Don't people realize these guys already played last year and didn't even make the playoffs? P.S. Steve Simmons is an idiot.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 08:11 AM on June 02, 2006
The average age of the Leafs had better drop by at least two years for next season. The Rapture's not coming, guys. Stop acting like it. And if they re-sign Lindros, I'm going to be very, very angry.
posted by chicobangs at 08:32 AM on June 02, 2006
But he's a proven leader!
posted by qbert72 at 02:08 PM on June 02, 2006
This deal demonstrates the year without Hockey was due primarily to Owner stupidity. They got what they wanted but not what they needed the most. Protection from themselves.