Dead Climber Saved on Mount Everest: Left for dead by two sherpas whose own lives were at risk, an Australian mountaineer was found alive a day later. An American climber provided aid and alerted others so that a rescue could be organized, but continued on to the summit (a report that's being disputed) . In related news, this edited photo from Everest News claims to show how closely climbers had to pass by David Sharp as he was dying on his descent last week.
why do i get the feeling i'm in a monty python skit. I'M NOT DEAD YET!...yes u are. no i'm not. i'm actually feeling MUCH better thankyou!
posted by tommybiden at 12:06 AM on May 28, 2006
What happened to all the folks who were passing this guy by? Certainly alot of comments when everyone thought this dude was dead. Seems fitting that an American was the guy to take action. I understand that when you go up there you are taking your own life in your own hands but jeez, help a brother out huh? The aforementioned Buck Weathers could give ya a few stories, don't bother with Aron Ralston's book, that guy was just dumb. "Into Thin Air" by Jon Krakauer, while disputed by some, was an awesome imax movie and a good read, it also deals with the "guides" who are only interested in the dough for literally dragging people up a trash and body littered mountain.
posted by GoBirds at 04:45 AM on May 28, 2006
Seems fitting that an American was the guy to take action. Why? Because Americans are so freaking concerned with the life and death of fellow world citizens?
posted by cl at 08:21 AM on May 28, 2006
Hey Owlhouse, whats up with this guy Duncan Chessell? He sounds like a real Jack A$$. With his statements in the papers and all, along with not having been anywhere near when it all happened. Is this normal for him? Do you know? (see the disputed link)
posted by jojomfd1 at 08:32 AM on May 28, 2006
No idea, jojo. Don't know him, and not sure if I want to. There's some possible legal action brewing, judging by the nature of the comments on one or more of those links. Vale 'Mountain Brotherhood'.
posted by owlhouse at 10:10 PM on May 28, 2006
Wasn't sure if you'd ever heard of him before or not. Or if it was normal for him to be causing such a rumble about something he was so far away from. Just curious, thanks.
posted by jojomfd1 at 12:39 AM on May 29, 2006
I confess a personal connection here. Lincoln Hall once tried to teach me ice climbing when he was in our university mountaineering club. Good news for him and his family. It's a tough business.