May 11, 2006

Your message drives teams on.: Apparently, there was a contest for slogans that get printed on each of the team buses at the upcoming FIFA World Cup. Here are the winners, selected by online votes (although I'm not sure all of them should be called that). Which ones did you like best? Which ones are the hokiest? What slogan would you have come up with?

posted by worldcup2002 to soccer at 02:23 PM - 15 comments

I think Brazil's "Vehicle monitored by 180 million Brazilian hearts" is the biggest disappointment. This from the country that has won the most World Cups, given us the reigning champions, Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Pele, samba, Carnevale, Capoeirha, Gilberto Gil, Girl from Ipanema, Rio, beach soccer, futsal ... I woulda done something like: "Samba Soccer Rules" or just steal the Nike Joga tagline: "Never grow up." C'mon!

posted by worldcup2002 at 02:27 PM on May 11, 2006

Spain � "Spain. One country, one goal" They'll need more than one if they want to make it out of their group.

posted by ursus_comiter at 02:34 PM on May 11, 2006

Considering that the U.S. team will be traveling incognito for security reasons, how about "Don't Shoot, We're Canadians!!!" for the U.S. bus?

posted by holden at 02:35 PM on May 11, 2006

Holy crap, look at these weiners ... Japan - "Light up your Samurai spirit!" - They shoulda just gone with "Banzai!" Korea Republic - "Never-ending legend, united Korea" - How about "Up yours, Kim Jong-Il"? Spain � "Spain. One country, one goal" - I hope that's not a prediction. (woops, ursus beat me to it.) Switzerland � "2006, it's Swiss o'clock" - Good one. Swiss precision humor, always a winner. Sweden � "Fight! Show spirit! Come on! You have the support of everyone" - Wow, did Bambi in the high school cheerleader group do that one? USA - "United we play, United we win" - How about "Let's roll"? This is why democracies don't work.

posted by worldcup2002 at 02:35 PM on May 11, 2006

C�te d'Ivoire - "Come on the Elephants! Win the cup in style" That's inexcusably bad.

posted by Samsonov14 at 02:37 PM on May 11, 2006

I think I've been to that fairground, Samsonov.

posted by Mr Bismarck at 02:47 PM on May 11, 2006

Germany - Deutschland, Deutschland, Ooh-De-Ladle!

posted by lilnemo at 02:49 PM on May 11, 2006

C�te d'Ivoire - "Come on the Elephants! Win the cup in style" That's inexcusably bad. I liked that one! And I like lilnemo's suggestion for Germany a lot -- remember, we have to be able to say/sing/shout/bellow these slogans, and that one has tremendous potential. But my vote has to go to: Poland � "White and red, dangerous and brave" Dangerous and brave, there's the ticket. I don't think I'd mess with 'em.

posted by lil_brown_bat at 03:01 PM on May 11, 2006

I liked that one! If it had a comma anywhere in it, that would be ok.

posted by yerfatma at 03:05 PM on May 11, 2006

Argentina - "Get up, Argentina are on the move" - This from the country that gave us the tango, bolos-throwing cowboys and Maradona? A wake-up call? I woulda gone with "We have the Hand of God".

posted by worldcup2002 at 03:10 PM on May 11, 2006

Other categories... OK, WE'RE PATRIOTIC: Angola - "Angola lead the way � our team is our people" Ecuador � "Ecuador my life, football my passion, the cup my goal" Germany - "For Germany, through Germany" MILITARISTIC: Costa Rica- "Our army is the team, our weapon is the ball. Let's go to Germany and give it our all" - C'mon, CRC, you guys are a lot more laid-back than that. But nice rhyming. Trinidad and Tobago - "Here come the Soca Warriors � the fighting spirit of the Caribbean" - When I see Caribbean, I don't think fighting. How about pirates? "We be plunderin', yaaaaar! OOO, ANIMALS: Australia - "Australia Socceroos � Bound for glory" Czech Republic � "Belief and a lion's strength, for victory and our fans" England - "One Nation, One Trophy, Eleven Lions" - rolls off the tongue Saudi Arabia - "The Green Hawks cannot be stopped" Tunisia � "The Carthage Eagles... higher and stronger than ever" - Hmm, higher? Oh, you mean flying. BEAUTIFUL, PICTURESQUE, COLORFUL: Italy � "Blue pride, Italy in our hearts" - Shoulda just left it at "Blue pride". Iran - "Stars of Persia" - Nice. Ghana � "Go Black Stars, the stars of our world" - How about "Black Stars Rising" or "Freddy Adu, you coulda been on the first team?" Netherlands � "Oranje on the road to gold" - Awkward but nice try. LOOK, WE CAN RHYME: France � "Libert�, egalit�, Jules Rimet" - Clever, patriotic, and pulls in the founder of the modern World Cup. Sharp ones, those French.

posted by worldcup2002 at 03:22 PM on May 11, 2006

Costa Rica- "Our army is the team, our weapon is the ball. I think this is clever, since Costa Rica is famous for being one of the only countries with no armed forces. The Korean and Spanish ones seem like lame pleas for national unity. In Barcelona and San Sebastian, I think they still cheer for anyone playing against the Castilians. But the best one is that of Togo. The 'thirst' reference may be to the slogan shouted in the streets after they qualified - 'Empty the Brewery'! Gotta love those priorities.

posted by owlhouse at 05:08 PM on May 11, 2006

owlhouse: 'Empty the Brewery'! Now, that's a slogan!

posted by worldcup2002 at 05:18 PM on May 11, 2006

They're all very embarrassing. The only one that's ok is Irans.

posted by walrus at 03:16 AM on May 12, 2006

Hey, I'm glad someone liked the French slogan BUT it was written by me and I'm English! The rules on clearly allow for entries from outside each country. However I still haven't been officially notified. Has anyone else? Should I be paranoid?

posted by jazam at 01:20 PM on May 13, 2006

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