April 27, 2006

...and people call football low-scoring... ;-)

posted by salmacis at 07:22 PM on April 27, 2006

Thanks lilnemo. Lots of good stuff.

posted by justgary at 07:33 PM on April 27, 2006

If possible, that may be the worst picture of Dirk I've ever seen. Good thing he's playing so well. I'll forgive the Startlegram this time.

posted by Ufez Jones at 08:50 PM on April 27, 2006

Nemo - I love these posts to the point of no comment because it takes me the better part of two days just to get through them all. Great stuff.

posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 07:33 AM on April 28, 2006

So much for my sleeper pick out of the 'west' with Memphis looking like they are playing with prison issued ankle shackles. Go Stones!

posted by gradys_kitchen at 11:17 AM on April 28, 2006

A few observations:

  • Lebron's playoff ascension won't be as quick as we thought...
  • But it will be faster than Carmelo's.
  • For a team with so many bigs, the Bucks don't feel like they get a lot of frontcourt production (although I feel Bogut is better than advertised).
  • Anthony Johnson is playing himself into a nice contract. Pssst. I think Jason Kidd is beginning to age in dog years.
  • The Bulls are a great perimeter-oriented team, but if they have any hope of winning this series they need to get out and run.
  • The Grizzlies look totally outmatched by the Mavs.
  • Can you hit the PUJIT?
  • Kobe is putting the fear of god into the Western Conference now. Its like Michael (Corleone, not the other one) is about to take over the family.
  • If the Suns lose to the Lakers, methinks Shawn Marion is going to catch a lot of flak.

posted by lilnemo at 12:46 PM on April 28, 2006

Best playoff comment so far:

Doug Collins: �This MVP has got heart. I�d go into a foxhole with him any day.� Anyone want to bet that if Doug Collins stepped into Steve Nash�s foxhole, Nash would say, �What the hell are you doing in my foxhole?�

posted by lilnemo at 06:01 PM on April 28, 2006

I dunno what your PUJIT link was, lilnemo, cos it got borked, but I'm going to assume it had something to do with the Spurs/Kings series. That said, after the final play [in that series] tonight, my SO and I screamed so loudly that my dog, who was quietly playing with a rawhide, decided to go all Bowen on our asses and play scratch-face and smash-a-scrotum. Nice result basketball-wise, poor one personally. The Grizzlies look totally outmatched by the Mavs. I really want to comment on that, but won't, out of stupidstition. Needless to say, I'm not sweating the series, although I'd like it to go game 5, just so I could attend an additional playoff game. Game 1 was fucking fun.

posted by Ufez Jones at 01:11 AM on April 29, 2006

PUJIT. Lakers/Suns is getting mighty testy. Game 3 was some of the best basketball I've seen in awhile.

posted by lilnemo at 12:20 PM on April 29, 2006

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