Five Life Lessons Learned at Wally Moon's Summer Camp:: You'd think that baseball camp would be like a Tom Emansky video, but the fact is, you can get real life lessons out of it, too. Great human interest piece.
Holy Cow!!! DId they really play baseball in the Colliseum with the right field fence that far away???
posted by SummersEve at 07:20 PM on April 20, 2006
Wow, I went to Wally Moon's summer camp too! It was the year before I could begin Little League; I was 8. I was there for 2 weeks. but I can't remember much about it. Cliff Crowder was Moon's BIL, and he ran the camp. Also, the camp wasn't in West Covina, it was in Covina. I was blessed with the same speed as the author, but I also was a "wild" pitcher and a catcher. My only playing memory was hitting a triple off of a dominant pitcher named Green in the playoffs. We lost, and Green was named MVP. I was the MIP. Thanks for the memory!
posted by Toad8572 at 10:23 AM on April 21, 2006
Holy Cow!!! DId they really play baseball in the Colliseum with the right field fence that far away??? Yep, they sure did! Duke Snyder and Frank Thomas had little difficulty in clearing the "Moon Screen". Drysdale and Kofax were a sight to watch as was Marichal when the Giants came to town.
posted by Toad8572 at 10:56 AM on April 21, 2006
We used to take our Little Leaguers up to the Colliseum from north San Diego county and sit behind the screen in the cheap seats. What a weird view of baseball that was. Moon hit portsiders better than righties in any park if memory serves me correctly. He was a smart hard working son of a gun; my son idolized him
posted by jazzdog at 12:34 PM on April 21, 2006
We used to take our Little Leaguers up to the Colliseum from north San Diego county and sit behind the screen in the cheap seats. What a weird view of baseball that was. Moon hit portsiders better than righties in any park if memory serves me correctly. He was a smart hard working son of a gun; my son idolized him posted by jazzdog at 12:34 PM CDT on April 21 Year, my dad had 4 seats off of third, but I don't remember all the space between us and the infield. I remember the White Sox World Series there too. Later we moved to Dodger Stadium which seemed like a palace after the coliseum. Every time I used to see Shawn Green on TV with the Dodgers he reminded me of Moon.
posted by Toad8572 at 06:32 PM on April 21, 2006
I am insane for not reading The Whole Story I read some of it My little league story I couldn't print it I was too busy swearing at 8-9 years old and I left the team but I know what little league is like my best buddy still brags about his first little league hit it was a big deal because it was his only hit of the season