Leslie Dunks: Finally there's a slam dunk in the WNBA. But then comes that age-old question: If a WNBA star dunks in a game, but no body sees it, does it really count?
posted by shackbar to basketball at 02:11 AM - 10 comments
Soon to come...WNBA players get swept up in acrobatic dunk maneuvers, and forget the fundamentals. Then they truly can rival the men's game.
posted by bcb2k2 at 04:24 AM on July 31, 2002
That's a woman?
posted by insomnyuk at 07:15 AM on July 31, 2002
That's cool, but I'm still not watching WNBA games until they start getting arrested. Where's the drama, ladies? Give me a call when Rebecca Lobo takes a dump in someones closet. Now that's entertainment!
posted by Samsonov14 at 08:24 AM on July 31, 2002
miss chocolate thunder flyin' Latasha Byears cryin' teeth shakin' glass breakin' rump roastin' bun toastin' wham bam glamorous glass breaker she jam * * with apologies to darryl dawkins
posted by vito90 at 12:42 PM on July 31, 2002
The WNBA site has video of the "dunk" Here is a direct link to the 300k Real stream.
posted by internal at 02:08 PM on July 31, 2002
Rebecca Lobo is the shit (har har), too bad the Liberty traded her away. I love the WNBA, especially Becky Hammon (New York Liberty), who once sat near my friend Ben in high school art class - really! - and can shoot the lights out.
posted by djacobs at 03:31 PM on July 31, 2002
I hope everyone on this list who is making fun of this dunk can actually dunk a basketball themselves. I can't stand watching women's basketball, and would never pay to watch a WNBA game, but it's pretty impressive nonetheless.
posted by Conquistador at 04:55 PM on July 31, 2002
Anyone who can dunk impresses me. I just don't think this will in any way help the WNBA build interest.
posted by shackbar at 02:22 AM on August 01, 2002
Thanks for the dunk video link, internal. It was a breakaway all-alone layup and dunk move, straightforward and simple. And boring. Maybe they should've waited until someone "aired" it from the free throw line, holding the ball in one hand like Lady Liberty holds her torch, sailing through a sea of elbows, arms and heads, to finally crush that ball into the net. Or until someone did a screaming behind-the-back, googly-eyed, tongue-out, hang-on-the-hoop slam.
posted by worldcup2002 at 12:13 PM on August 02, 2002
If the WNBA were smart, they'd run this clip out to all the major networks. Even if it would probably fall under the "Believe it or not" category... But, the fact that this is news, and shackbar's age-old question, just make it a little sad. Also, her team lost. Anyway, here's a pic (from this Atlanta Journal-Constitution article):