Tiny Robots Gear up for Soccer Competition: Robots playing soccer....hmm....the only way I see this being interesting is if they mix it with another sport like nascar...and maybe add some exlposives or some other sort of fully automatic munitions
Looks like we are one step closer to that Jetsons episode where the robots are playing football. Not to mention Cyberball on my Midway treasures for PS2.
posted by njsk8r20 at 04:06 PM on March 08, 2006
Is soccer a sport? Because robots bashing into each other is. /runs and hides
posted by owlhouse at 04:46 PM on March 08, 2006
soccer playing robottttttttttttts......... mind going blankkkkkkkkkkkk.................please spare meeeeeeeeeeee.................. favorite sportttttttttttttttttttt..................
posted by mjkredliner at 06:06 PM on March 08, 2006
The first rule in SportsFilter is... don't diss somebody else's favorite sport!