Barry Bonds walks into the record books again?: With all the walks he has, he's gotta have a long walking-streak. (like dimaggio's hitting streak but for walks instead of hits.) that page says the record is 22 and Bonds isn't there yet. he's only at two right now.
Nifty idea for a page. Bit surprising he hasn't broken it yet, considering his walk levels the past season and a half. [Also a bit odd it didn't belong to someone like the Babe or Ricky.]
posted by tieguy at 10:25 AM on July 21, 2002
They've changed the rules for the batting title. They have to average 3.1 plate appearances per game, instead x number of at bats. If I remember correctly, Ted Williams lost the batting title some year because he was walked so much. Soon after, they changed the rules.
posted by hootch at 02:03 PM on July 22, 2002
I wonder how the walks he receives will affect his official at-bats and, thus, chances for the batting title.