Barkley, Vitale among 16 Hall finalists :
posted by chucodimebag to basketball at 02:10 AM - 8 comments
Vitale: Hall of Fame award for Biggest Duke Brown-Noser Ever, Baybeee!
posted by insomnyuk at 04:25 AM on February 18, 2006
I met Charles at a speaker's dinner in San Francisco where I used to work and he was nothing but pleasant and gracious, signing anything the 10-16 year olds would hand him....He spoke about his youth and it was from the heart even though most of the kids there could never relate to it....He was sincere in his words and I can say I left impressed...... TV is an outlet for his humor, like it or not, the guy is one of a kind......and, oh by the way, he deserves to be in on a first ballot HOF vote for what he did on the court even minus a championship....that should not even be considered......
posted by gfinsf at 05:38 AM on February 18, 2006
Charles says things TV announcers all want to say but don't have the guts to say them. He's brash, loud, and the best on any of the NBA networks. He was one hell of a ball player. Sometimes said stuff without thinking however....
posted by mustang71 at 11:18 AM on February 18, 2006
The round mound of rebound deserves to get in, on first ballot! I don't know. As far as Vitale " It's a slam dunk Babyee !
posted by livedawhile at 12:47 PM on February 18, 2006
Say what you want about Barkley, he never brought shame to himself, his teammates or basketball. Congrats to a deserving gentleman!
posted by westcoast at 01:08 PM on February 18, 2006
Hey westcoast I guess Charles infamous spitting incident which landed on a little girl didn't shame him at all! What a Gentleman!!
posted by livedawhile at 01:32 PM on February 18, 2006
Kudos to Sir Charles , he has a lot more class than most of the young players today .
posted by alvinthefirst at 01:42 PM on February 18, 2006
And of course Sir Charles speaks out.