I loved living near the first baseball field in Long Island: - home of my fantasy namesake, the Brooklyn Superbas. But according to the Park Slope Courier (not online - hello - oppurtunity!), a new Con Ed building means the wall is coming down and being moved catacorner to JJ Byrne park, which was the home of the Brooklyn Excelsiors and the second baseball diamond in Long Island. Shed a tear for Brooklyn baseball.
Robert Moses is, as usual, my villain - as he quashed all the economic initiatives that would have kept O'Malley in town. He got millions of dollars for his cronies for all of the projects that went up in the Bronx and Brooklyn, and the ones on top of Ebbets Field are some of the worst. :(
posted by djacobs at 11:59 AM on July 18, 2002
That is sad, djacobs. At least they are saving the wall. Baseball seems like such an important part of Brooklyn. Everytime I have gone to visit my girlfriend's family in Brooklyn, we end up driving past the site of Ebbets Field, and someone always gestures towards those buildings and says, "that where Ebbets field used to be." Then everyone in the car would get quiet and sad.