"We had fish, but she killed them." : No doubt searching for a human interest story, someone at WNBA.com asks various WNBA stars about their family pets and gets more than he/she probably bargained for. Intentionally sick humor or just plain bad idea? You be the judge.
(I thought it was funny as hell, myself.)
posted by lil_brown_bat to basketball at 06:14 PM - 5 comments
When I am reincarnated, I'm not coming back as the pet of a WNBA player. There seems to be a lot of death around, doesn't there?
posted by owlhouse at 04:22 PM on November 06, 2005
You kick started my sense of humor for the day. But the more I read the Mcwilliams-Franklin quote the scarier it gets.
posted by tselson at 02:15 PM on November 07, 2005
But the more I read the Mcwilliams-Franklin quote the scarier it gets. I'll go right along with that. I don't want to be anywhere near that household. I thought the Yolanda Griffith one was the funniest. "But the guy messed with him."
posted by lil_brown_bat at 06:02 PM on November 07, 2005
Yeah...it's a little late to stick up for the dog she already had it killed! Wondering what else the pool man does for Lisa. Still the Franklin one is my favorite...I guess. At least the cats were smart enough to get the hell out of there. When they heard that the kid was just getting started by kicking the toy dog around and thowing it down the stairs, that was it! Seriously though, she really doesn't think her little psycho kid knows the difference between Chutes & Ladders and choking a friend? How about playing Go Fish instead of killing them. Maybe she should teach her kid how to take care of the toy dog instead of abusing the hell out of it.
posted by tselson at 02:02 PM on November 08, 2005
Lol, definitely funny.