Wimbledon gets all geeked-out.: They've got Live Scoreboard, Slamcam (webcams on main courts that you can manipulate), Netcam (live static images), SMS and WAP scores, Virtual tour (yawn), Downloads (yawn) and a live score toolbar.
Also, they've got the IBM Media Console (RealOne player reqd.) which provides live and archived video and radio streams of gameplay, commentaries and interviews. FREE.
posted by worldcup2002 to tennis at 12:54 PM - 3 comments
Sniff. Now you point out my inferior American technology. Bully the Beeb. I am envious.
posted by worldcup2002 at 01:51 PM on June 24, 2002
That's nothing. The World Cup interactive thing has alternative commentaries and recent matches playing on a loop, as well as 'classic' matches. We need it. We don't have Tivos.
posted by Summer at 02:16 PM on June 24, 2002
That's nothing. The interactive TV thing with live streams from five courts is the best. God bless the BBC.