It's not cricket!: In the Liverpool v Birmingham game on Saturday, Brum were applying a bit of pressure, when Liverpool introduced a sub, Garcia. It appears that he hid his ring in his mouth before putting it back on, uncovered. The ref then ordered it to be covered, causing another break in play, thus further relieving the pressure being put on Liverpool at the time. And here are the pics to prove it. The sod then scored, within minutes. Crafty bugger should be banned! Liverpool should forfeit the game! Where's the justice!
posted by Fat Buddha to football at 03:48 AM - 26 comments
Very droll. Technically, or so I am given to believe, what Garcia did was a bookable offence, so his subsequent booking, which he received before he scored, should actualy have been a sending off. Coupled with the fact that Brum were dealt an injustice regarding a free kick which led to Liverpools second, you can see why the whole thing is hilarious, really.
posted by Fat Buddha at 04:17 AM on September 26, 2005
Double standards will always apply when Victimpool are in town. I wonder what action the Premier League/FA will take against Garcia. I'm not holding my breath.
posted by squealy at 04:53 AM on September 26, 2005
What is that technicality, FB? I understand what he did, but where did he technically go awry?
posted by garfield at 08:52 AM on September 26, 2005
Oh My God... The following should be read in a whiny, crying, sad, pathetic voice... "Birmingham could have won, but that greasy Spaniard fucked it ull up! Birmingham deserved to win that game! They were the better team...its a tragedy! A travesty! A more terrible injustice has never been witnessed!"
posted by StarFucker at 08:55 AM on September 26, 2005
I think you missed the sarcasm in FB's post Fucker. Did you hear something whizz over your head perhaps? That was it.
posted by squealy at 09:36 AM on September 26, 2005
Garfield, someone on a Blues message board posted that entering the field of play wearing jewellry is an offence warranting an automatic booking, and I took his word for it. A cursory google search, suggests otherwise, and I can find nothing to support that view, so he may be right and he may be wrong. This seems to about the strength of it: Law 4 states that a player must not use or wear equipment which is dangerous to himself or other players. Including ANY kind of jewellery. F.I.F.A. have further emphasised the above by issuing a directive to ‘remind’ players that they should not wear any kind of Jewellery, leather Necklaces, Bracelets, ‘Studs’ etc. Please note that term ‘jewellery’ does not only apply to metal i.e Gold etc, it applies to any adornment made from any material which could cause harm to any person on the pitch. Should such items be visible by the Referee, that player will be asked to leave the field of play, and will not be allowed back onto the field of play until the offending jewellery has been removed or rendered harmless. The wearing of Wedding Rings is acceptable, providing they are of a ‘plain/flat’ design i.e. containing no ‘stones’ etc. and are rendered entirely safe by being enclosed by tape. So it is a lot of fuss about very little. The point some Blues fans are making is that he shouldn't have been on the pitch at the time he scored, which is clearly moot. Still a neat bit gamesmanship though.
posted by Fat Buddha at 10:13 AM on September 26, 2005
I don't sense any sarcasm sqealy... Perhaps something was flying past your head and nicked you in the frontal lobe?
posted by StarFucker at 10:43 AM on September 26, 2005
How many Birmingham players were wearing livestrong armbands or similar? If they're going for the letter of the law, there shouldn't have been many people left on the pitch for any of the goals.
posted by JJ at 11:23 AM on September 26, 2005
I live in a fairly alternative part of the world, and play in an over-35s league. Before the kick off, the ref usually rolls his eyes at our team and says something like 'Gentlemen - please remove any visible piercings'.
posted by owlhouse at 05:12 PM on September 26, 2005
What's a livestrong armband?
posted by squealy at 06:02 AM on September 27, 2005
When I was a referee, I never cautioned players for wearing jewelry. I just sent them from the field of play to remove it.
posted by salmacis at 11:55 AM on September 27, 2005
Well Bennett didn't even do that. Some Blues fans now argue that it was deliberate time wasting and he should have been booked for that. I think it unlikely that Liverpool would be trying to save time against us with half an hour to go, however, it did halt the momentum that had been building and he clearly did it, so the bugger knew what he was doing. 0 out of 10 for the 4th official.
posted by Fat Buddha at 01:27 PM on September 27, 2005
I love it when fans cry about this kind of thing. If only he didn't sneak the ring on to the pitch we would have won! It's deliciously pathetic.
posted by sic at 06:00 PM on September 27, 2005
Not quite sure if it is the same over there as here. But this is what a Live strong arm band is here, and I doubt you'll like it squealy.
posted by jojomfd1 at 06:42 PM on September 27, 2005 is Lance Armstrong's charity which sells the yellow bracelets many people (including me) now wear and which many other charities have done variations of for themselves.
posted by billsaysthis at 07:02 PM on September 27, 2005
sic, dear boy, you are missing the point; it is not the wearing of the ring, it is the effect of the delay in play, not to mention the clear and knowing breach of the rules.
posted by Fat Buddha at 02:57 AM on September 28, 2005
Yep, there's your sarcasm squealy...nice and thick... Not.
posted by StarFucker at 08:35 AM on September 28, 2005
Yeah - nil all with Birmingham with half an hour to go - wasting time seems like about the last thing Liverpool would have wanted to do at that point.
posted by JJ at 10:06 AM on September 28, 2005
starfucker, your acuity never fails to amaze me......not. JJ you have a point, but the salient point is not how long was left in the match, but that the opposing teams momentum was lost. I have said repeatedly that it is of no consequence to me, I posted because I thought it was funny and a new and interesting take on gamesmanship, I hadn't considered the dull sensitivities of the average Liverpool fan though. Nevertheless, he did it and he did for a reason; if not to interrupt play, why would he do it? Do you suppose he thought it was a spangle?
posted by Fat Buddha at 10:47 AM on September 28, 2005
Yes you brought it up because you thought it was funny...and are still bringing it up, because its funny...and still bringing it up...etc, etc, etc... Yes, its really funny...
posted by StarFucker at 10:51 AM on September 28, 2005
Just like you, fucker: funny, funny, funny. Sometimes I just laugh my head clean off!
posted by Fat Buddha at 11:50 AM on September 28, 2005
I can't comment as I didn't see the game - one thing it would make me excited about would be that someone in the Liverpool set-up might have the cunning to instigate such a plan! I thought we were mostly just good for long balls, sprinting forwards and nicking stuff. I cant deny that he did it, but I can't agree that he definitely did it for a reason - maybe he needed some saliva to get it off his finger, then stuck it in his mouth for safe-keping while he pulled his socks up, then got on the pitch and realised he still had it in his mouth [/nonsense]. You're right. He's clearly a cheat. Glad he's in my team.
posted by JJ at 12:01 PM on September 28, 2005
Finally, someone talks some sense! Meanwhile, have a pic of Garcia applauding while a 19 year old kid making his debut gets sent off. Seems like a nice feller, don't he?
posted by Fat Buddha at 12:36 PM on September 28, 2005
[your Garcia] sucks...
posted by JJ at 04:30 PM on September 28, 2005
sic, dear boy, you are missing the point; it is not the wearing of the ring, it is the effect of the delay in play, not to mention the clear and knowing breach of the rules. Comment icon posted by Fat Buddha at 2:57 AM CST on September 28 There it is again! The 45 second delay cost us the premiership! I'm positively shivering with delight.
posted by sic at 06:38 PM on September 28, 2005
You're damn right - a bloody draw with Birmingham - where IS the justice?