The end of Robb Nen: A terrific read on how the 2002 World Series loss suffered by San Francisco Giants closer Robb Nen was the culmination of a long decline. ESPN Page 2 writer Eric Neel needs an award for this.
Man, what a touching story. I can't even bring myself to make some wiseass remark - which is most unusual. Nice post.
posted by drevl at 06:08 PM on September 24, 2005
Great story. The guy left it all out on the field for his team and got paid 18 million dollars for not throwing a pitch for two years. I wonder if he would have done the same thing if he was coming up on free agency in 2003.
posted by erkno11 at 06:53 PM on September 24, 2005
That was one of the best written stories I've read in a while. Thanks for the post.
posted by jojomfd1 at 09:27 PM on September 24, 2005
Oh, and where are the Hoser picks for this week. I need my weekly dose of comedy!!
posted by jojomfd1 at 09:30 PM on September 24, 2005
good stuff!
posted by daddisamm at 10:00 PM on September 24, 2005
Jojo, the picks are in the sidebar on the front page. For some reason, they weren't put in the FPPs this time.
posted by wfrazerjr at 04:30 PM on September 25, 2005
Thank you
posted by jojomfd1 at 05:26 PM on September 25, 2005
Jojo, the picks are in the sidebar on the front page. For some reason, they weren't put in the FPPs this time. Sorry 'bout that. Thought that was what you preferred. I have to say also that I hate this new column system. Invariably the comments get split. Can we go back to the sidebar? I liked it over there -- people thought I was a Google ad. Will make it right next week. Hopefully on spofi 2.0 things wont be so confusing.
posted by justgary at 06:59 PM on September 25, 2005
Great article, thanks for posting that.
posted by rocketman at 07:09 PM on September 25, 2005
I actually went to high school with both Robb Nen and JT Snow. They were on the same baseball team at Los Alamitos High in California. I remember going to Robb's new year's eve party in 1986. He lived in my neighborhood a few streets away. I followed his career and know that he gave 100%. As for JT Snow, ever since high school, he had unbelieveable nature talent. He was All-Orange County in football, basketball and baseball. Robb and JT are great family men off the field and giants on the field. God bless you both.
posted by losal64 at 10:31 PM on September 25, 2005
Nice, Eric Neel - nice. Baseball is so freaking dramatic, and it also has the best sub-plots and story lines. It's biggest advantage is that the whole game is a series of one-on-one confrontations.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 08:45 AM on September 26, 2005
Gary, I DO like it better over there ... 'cept now I don't think anyone looks at the sidebar. Whichever is fine by me!
posted by wfrazerjr at 07:38 PM on September 26, 2005
I agree, it makes sense being on the sidebar. Putting it out as an actual post is confusing, but it gets far more attention. Hopefully, the new spofi will have a better system.
posted by justgary at 08:35 PM on September 26, 2005
Now that I know it could be on the side bar I'll look over there for it. I just like to read them each week, sometimes I toss in a comment, sometimes not. But I do enjoy reading them. Now I know where to look, thanks.
posted by jojomfd1 at 10:34 PM on September 26, 2005
Now that I know it could be on the side bar I'll look over there for it. It's kind of an easter egg hunt ;) Seriously, they'll be in the main posting area from now on. It's confusing, but his articles are excellent and deserve more attention.
posted by justgary at 10:48 PM on September 26, 2005
Holy crap. Beautiful article. It's very rare that a sportwriter can actually make you feel, you know?