Steroids are good for baseball!: A former head of the MLB Players' Union suggests that the owners have nothing to gain by eliminating steroids from baseball and that they are simply "moral-grandstanding."
I didn't have quotation marks around Steroids are good for baseball!, as it was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek headline to my post, rather than a direct quote of Marvin Miller. The important part of the article is that Miller calls into question the hypocrisy of the sportocracy, which seems to be a theme running though many media stories right now.
posted by smithers at 12:22 PM on June 20, 2002
Marvin Miller isn't advocating steroids. He's saying that because steroids can be taken in the off season and are indetectible after a few days, and because owners have a lot to gain financially from a 'roid-abusing home run slugger, he thinks the owner's talk about fighting the problem is "grandstanding." Also, since he's opposed to the kind of pervasive testing done on Olympic athletes, it naturally follows that he believes the problem is unsolveable.