Who's Your Daddy ? : Andre The Giant ? Or did Wilt Chamberlain make a stop to Poland .
posted by evil empire to general at 05:12 PM - 15 comments
That's a great photo.
posted by dusted at 05:34 PM on August 03, 2005
And doing a great job of guarding her, too, considering...
posted by Bonkers at 05:42 PM on August 03, 2005
hammon looks as if she's hoping that big paw doesn't come crashing down on her head .
posted by evil empire at 05:45 PM on August 03, 2005
this thread begs for the re-hashing of the Ivana Mandic
posted by markovitch at 06:15 PM on August 03, 2005
She has good positioning. Give her credit for trying no matter how big the opponent is.
posted by dbt302 at 07:03 PM on August 03, 2005
Looks like she's boxing out, not guarding.
posted by holden at 10:20 PM on August 03, 2005
Now thats a TALL drink of water!
posted by volfire at 09:46 AM on August 04, 2005
I've always thought she was kinda hawt. Here's some more photos of Margo, and no, I looked this up -- it wasn't saved in my favorites or anything. I remember reading somewhere that when she was drafted by the Utah Starzz, no one from the organization had actually scouted her in person, and they had her listed as 6-7 or something. When she got off the plane and they saw she was actually 7-2, no one could believe it. Or that could just be bullshit.
posted by wfrazerjr at 12:28 PM on August 04, 2005
Despite her considerable size advantage, Large Marge was IMO never worth spit as a ballplayer until she got with the Sun. Well, okay, she was worth spit last year, but only that. She had the size, but she completely lacked athleticism; all she'd do is stand beneath the basket. She started to move her feet last year, and her game picked up, but she's really improved with the Sun. 'nother thing worth metioning is that Hammon, at 5' 6", is used to playing against people who are taller than her -- and really, from a practical POV, is there a difference between "much taller" and "much MUCH taller"? If Hammon can get around Lisa Leslie, she can get around Margo Dydek.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 12:43 PM on August 04, 2005
that sucks... as a guy you can pull that off. as a girl you get screwed over in society. Who you gonna date!?
posted by SDM at 06:42 PM on August 04, 2005
Poor girl.....one of my girlfriends is 6'2 and she has a hard time meeting guys. She could really develope though. Her height alone is a freakish advantage over all other players. She's freaken tall for a man!!! Forget comparing her to women! If she can add good, efficient movement she'd be like a T-rex. "RAAAAAHHH!!!! GET OUTTA MY HOOOUUUUUUUUSSSSE!!!!!"
posted by Irish Gal at 08:20 PM on August 04, 2005
Give her my number
posted by jojomfd1 at 09:56 PM on August 04, 2005
Not the 7 footer. Your friend irish gal.
posted by jojomfd1 at 10:23 PM on August 04, 2005
Not to base taste on type (talk about an inexact science!), but I tend to like my women tall, personally. I've never met a 7-footer (Dydek is, according to this site, the fourth tallest woman alive), but I've certainly dated many women rather taller than me, and if they're cool with it, then I certainly am. Just saying.
posted by chicobangs at 10:37 PM on August 04, 2005