Hidden: Breaking news: Raffi suspended!?: USA Today/ and ESPN reporting 10 day suspension for violatiion of MLB drug policy. At last, a big name gets caught! And he looked so believable in front of congress!
Well, well I guess everyone who doubted Jose Conseco's tell all book should probably take a better look at the truth! I knew that it would just be a matter of time before someone would get caught up in a lie. What an ass Raffi made of himself in front of congress and baseball fans every where. Raffi has made MLB look stupid with his comment that he doesn't know how the roids got into his system, what a joke. Maybe there should be stiffer punishment for those who testified in front of congress and end up eating their words. Liar!!!!!!! The truth eventually comes to light every time. The light is now shinning on Raffi, who's next?.....
posted by royalgold72 at 12:34 PM on August 01, 2005
Well, well I guess everyone who doubted Jose Conseco's tell all book should probably take a better look at the truth! I knew that it would just be a matter of time before someone would get caught up in a lie. What an ass Raffi made of himself in front of congress and baseball fans every where. Raffi has made MLB look stupid with his comment that he doesn't know how the roids got into his system, what a joke. Maybe there should be stiffer punishment for those who testified in front of congress and end up eating their words. Liar!!!!!!! The truth eventually comes to light every time. The light is now shinning on Raffi, who's next?.....