Lets get it going.USA back to the qualies.: Will the'Ticos stay floating in Salt Lake?
posted by HOE.O.K. at 03:25 PM on June 04, 2005
If you mean the Paulo Wanchope who used to play for Derby, West Ham and Man City (and I guess you do as he's Costa Rican), I think he's now playing for Malaga in La Liga.
posted by squealy at 04:15 PM on June 04, 2005
Holy crap, Wanchope is still around?!
posted by afx237vi at 05:06 PM on June 04, 2005
To give you an idea of how underpromoted this is, I LIVE HERE IN UTAH and just found out about this game by reading this post.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 05:13 PM on June 04, 2005
Apparently Eddie Johnson is out again with turf toe...can someone explain exactly how turf toe is different than a stubbed toe? Anyway, I read somewhere (and now can't find it) that Beasley will start up front in Johnson's place but I'm not sure who is strike partner will be. We need the 3 points here at home. U.S. by 2 goals.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 05:30 PM on June 04, 2005
What time is the game and on what channel?!
posted by StarFucker at 07:51 PM on June 04, 2005
Answer to Turf Toe] Turf toe is a condition of pain at the base of the big toe, located at the ball of the foot. The condition is usually caused from either jamming the toe, or pushing off repeatedly when running or jumping. The most common complaint is pain at the base of the toe, but you may also have symptoms of stiffness and swelling.
posted by akusta39 at 11:36 PM on June 04, 2005
Hope you found the game SF. If you ever want to know any game time go to soccertv.com (sorry, don't know how to do a link in the text body). A solid 3 points and Kasey stood strong in goal when we needed it. It was great to see DaMarcus back, though I thought he should have been substituted 10 minutes earlier. I'm not sure about this 4-3-3 formation...it just makes us too defensive...but I'll take 3-0 anyday!
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 09:26 AM on June 05, 2005
akusta...thanks for the turf toe explanation...I appreciate it.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 09:26 AM on June 05, 2005
Thanks Texan, i know about that site...i was just too lazy to look...
posted by StarFucker at 02:46 PM on June 05, 2005
There seemed to be a great crowd on hand last night. The commentators were saying that the game was getting great coverage in SLC--maybe the rest of the state not so much. All in all, a great performance for the US. Even under siege at the beginning of the second half, they still looked awfully dangerous on corners. And Keller is still "da man!"
posted by trox at 04:23 PM on June 05, 2005
What an awesome match. 3-0 and now we're most of the way there towards a spot in Germany next summer. DMB looked terrific after the five week layoff though Josh Wolff is no substitute for Eddie J or Brian Ching. Watching the Earthquakes/DC game afterwards was a huge letdown, let me tell you. Three points against Panama Wednesday night, that's what I'm talkin' about.
posted by billsaysthis at 11:58 PM on June 05, 2005
/fan boy off
posted by billsaysthis at 11:59 PM on June 05, 2005
Thanks for the responses to my post.The USA is going to be right back at it in 06.Picking up right where we left off.Big game this thursday or wednesday w Panama.
posted by HOE.O.K. at 12:18 PM on June 06, 2005
The big game with Costa Rica has a bit of tint.Not only will most not see it,too many more will not care. Fans at the match with England gave more attention to themselves in borish taunts than real cheers.It is time for USA Football(not saw-ker)to mature in World standing in the stands and off the pitch.Advertisers and network execs reading this take note.Style commercials to fit the sport. No more ads on screen corners.Please limit them to fewest ads for beer,bad food and where it's served,and just piain overconsumption.Do show them 30 minutes before the match with pre-game dribble.Then during half-time followed by showings with the post-game noise. Fellow FANS.Please refrain from undue taunting.Come up with clever songs and oaths.Not oafs.
posted by clarencesmmns at 02:28 PM on June 06, 2005
SAM's army is supposed to be in full support this evening in Utah.Looks like we will be missing some key starters.I love watching Wanchope he is an excellent player.US-2 Ticos-1.Does anyone know wher Wanchope plays his pro-ball at?