Don't look back: "I still want to play in Boston. I'll go to Pawtucket for a couple hours, and then let's go get the Yankees. The powerful Yankees. Hell, yeah."
The guy was both really good and really bad over the years, and he doesn't have one quarter the talent of Satchel (which says as much about Satchel as it does about The Can), but it's real sweet to see him hanging in there. I hope he gets back to the show for even a cup of coffee. And I hope they make a movie about him. He seems pretty interesting.
posted by chicobangs at 08:32 PM on May 31, 2005
I always liked Oil Can--there was something about him that made him a likable player. I also hope that he gets another shot at the bigs--It would be fun to watch!
posted by daddisamm at 10:15 PM on May 31, 2005
When the Rangers acquired Boyd in July 1991, they were a team at or near the top of the standings with the best chance in years to win their division. As this article recalls, he was horrible, and I've always blamed him for cursing the team. However, reading this makes me glad that there's still a place in pro ball for a guy named Oil Can. I hope his barnstorming plan sees fruition. I'd love to see a motley group of former big-leaguers circling the globe. It's straight out of a movie.
posted by rcade at 10:45 PM on May 31, 2005
Thankfully the article includes Oil Can's best line ever (the one about Cleveland). Here's some good local coverage. (bugmenot)