Prejuding the race.: The awkward fact remains that nearly two years after the first federal raid on Balco, Jones has yet to be charged with doping by any agency, government or governing body. Her reputation is in shreds, her present and future earning power drastically curtailed, and all without any formal allegations from the organizations that police performance-enhancing drug use.
she also sucks now.
posted by garfield at 03:59 PM on May 16, 2005
The awkward fact remains that nearly two years after the first federal raid on Balco, Jones Bonds has yet to be charged with doping by any agency, government or governing body. Her His reputation is in shreds, her his present and future earning power drastically curtailed, and all without any formal allegations from the organizations that police performance-enhancing drug use. Yah, it sucks. Even when it happens to athletes the press used to like.
posted by grum@work at 04:14 PM on May 16, 2005
The antidoping movement, which has made good progress of late, does not need this sort of freelance blackballing. What it needs is respect for the investigative and judicial process, and even Dick Pound, the lectern-thumping head of the World Anti-Doping Agency, who has hardly spared the rod or rhetoric when it comes to doping in U.S. sports, acknowledges that the scales of justice have perhaps tipped too far too fast in Jones's case. Though, that's pretty hard to argue with, and is perhaps part in parcel with the lectern-thumping. "I have never talked to Marion about this and have not been asked by her to do anything on her behalf, but at the moment, I feel this is unfair. I feel we have to protect the few stars we have." Scratch the last sentence, and give Janetzky a medal. With it, maybe a ribbon. Perhaps 'sucks' was a bit too strong, but all she has to do is run, and this will just be a hiccup*. I just can't ignore the correlation between accusations and performance. * - the BALCO proceedings may alter the truth of this sentence some time in the future. But the lessons of freelance blackballing should not be taken lightly.
posted by garfield at 06:00 PM on May 16, 2005
related story : apparently all these new PED aren't as safe as some would have you believe; "My menstrual cycle was completely disturbed," she said. "I had acne and my voice changed incredibly. And probably the worst thing was my blood pressure shot up. It took a long time to stabilize." but they work; "White...said the results were "incredible."
posted by garfield at 03:53 PM on May 18, 2005
While I don't like it when people are convicted in the 'court of public opinion' without any real evidence... Jones has not helped herself with the company she keeps or the fact that her perforamance has gone way down since these allegations have surfaced.