Lampley Comes Out Swinging: One of the famous names blogging for Arianna Huffington turns out to be boxing sportscaster Jim Lampley, who begins with a pugnacious take on the 2004 presidential election: We wuz robbed!
I just have to add something I found while jumping around from blog to blog -- read this little gem, which shows just how incredibly stupid and paranoid some bloggers are. Can't there be some sort of literacy test administered before these people are given a domain name? As for Lampley ... feh. According to his bio on the site, Lampley is developing a movie lampooning the sports broadcasting in which he himself plans to star. That's a pretty good sign your judgement might be a tad clouded (although not as clouded as this)
posted by wfrazerjr at 07:57 PM on May 10, 2005
Left of center Taco Bell sauce wisdom: "New Taco Bell taco sauce -- saucier than Blanche Lincoln but not as saucy as Ted Kennedy."
posted by holden at 11:21 AM on May 11, 2005
Fraze, you made my day with that. I felt compelled to add to the ongoing discourse in the comments (without attempting to raise said level of discourse in any way).
posted by yerfatma at 11:31 AM on May 11, 2005
Left of center Taco Bell sauce wisdom: "New Taco Bell taco sauce -- saucier than Blanche Lincoln but not as saucy as Ted Kennedy." Are you sure you didn't mean not as sauced as Ted Kennedy? Thanks, guys ... it's pretty damned funny/
posted by wfrazerjr at 12:19 PM on May 11, 2005
There's already a counterpunch from Byron York, another Huffington contributor. I'm interested in whether Lampley's accurate about the odds of a Kerry win at 5 p.m. on Election Day. If that's true, did gambling books lose a lot of money?