Without A Trace Star Anthony La Paglia: buys into Sydney FC. And turns up at the launch of the new Australian Leage side wearing boots and gloves. A real passion for the game, although he was a goalkeeper...
Good choice.. about time a guard was chosen.. Fits right in with the other guards picked in the past.. Of course Jerry West would have fit right in there as well.
posted by Ourbear at 04:19 PM on May 07, 2005
Is Australia a nice place to live?
posted by StarFucker at 08:40 AM on May 09, 2005
SF, I enjoyed my three week vacation there, the women seem hotter on average than here and the coffee's definitely better, but you have to drive on the wrong side of the road and you're 12 hours off for European matches.
posted by billsaysthis at 02:53 PM on May 09, 2005
Excuse my ignorance - I always thought that football (sorry, soccer, whatever) was a minority game among the Aussies? I thought rugby, cricket and aussie rules held sway over there? Mmm, maybe it just seems like Leeds United signs all your best players.
posted by BigCalm at 05:08 PM on May 09, 2005
I'm shallow - I always think better of stars when I find out they're sports fans (with the exception of 'Scottish' football fan Rod Stewart). This knowledge doesn't excuse La Paglia's god awful English accent in Frasier though!