Avery Johnson's minor meltdown: Includes a not-so-subtle dig at Van Gundy's support of Yao and the whole Mark Cuban/moving screen debate. After you click on the link, click on the "Postgame" link after Game 6 under "Series Schedule And Results." Johnson comes on the video at the 6 minute, 20 second mark and starts to lose it a bit at the 7:50 mark. I met Avery years ago and he's a really good guy but completely off-base here by implying his team isn't getting the credit they deserve in the Houston Chronicle. For those who haven't been watching, this has been a great series and I'm sure AA Arena will be rocking tomorrow night for Game 7.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY to basketball at 11:30 AM - 5 comments
Yeah, I like Avery alot he will fight for his guys. Especially since he's not to far removed from the other end of the bench.
posted by rockhard10 at 02:34 PM on May 06, 2005
I think his comments are salient and relevant. A great series, and we're squabbling about the officiating on one player, and the larger than life personalities of people outside of the game. I'd much rather talk about the great performances of McGrady than possible illegal screens by Yao. Or more to the point, the politics behind possible illegal screens by Yao. Also, the Mavs are getting unfailry raked over the Coals for having this go to a 7 game series. More was said about the Mavs losing two at home than winning two on the road. Can we talk about how Dirk Nowuitzki seems to always fade this time of the year??
posted by LostInDaJungle at 04:23 PM on May 06, 2005
I don't disagree with your opinions but essentially Avery is doing the ol' pot calling the kettle black thing. Van Gundy is also just standing up for his player. And no one is overlooking Dallas beating a good Houston team 3 games in a row, especially the Houston paper. Have you heard about the Houston furniture store owner who's willing to pay Van Gundy's $100,000 fine? He says if the league won't allow it, he'll just hire JVG for a personal appearance and pay him $100 grand. Also, fans in Houston are leaving $100,000 candy bars on JVG's door step. And Lost...you couldn't be more right about Dirk...WTF??!! Not exactly a big game player, is he? Ya gotta love the playoffs!
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 04:38 PM on May 06, 2005
Dirk is anything but a playoff choker. Other than '03, he's actually stepped up his game in the playoffs. His career playoff shooting is as good as his regular season %, and he's scored more. Rebounding is up every year. Not counting this year, that is; but it ain't over yet.
posted by mike goodman at 03:08 PM on May 09, 2005
I watched it and I think he's just going to bat for his team. I like it when they do this.