Hitting the Beech: A Sporting News scoop: Around 30 Major Leaguers are experimenting with a new substance that improves their hitting -- European beech wood bats harvested from an undisclosed location by Louisville Slugger. "[B]ecause only beech that is at least 80 years old is used, the billets occasionally contain shrapnel and bullets from World War II, which can damage processing machines."
So for these players. "life is a Beech" ;-) interesting article!
posted by daddisamm at 04:14 PM on May 05, 2005
Sporting News has really good baseball coverage. It's tough to give it props because the magazine is printed on the cheapest paper I've ever seen. 24-Hour gasoline stations wouldn't use this stuff as toilet paper.
posted by rcade at 04:44 PM on May 05, 2005
Oh, rcade, it ain't what it printed on -- it's what's printed on it! Still, I can't read ESPN: The Magazine because it looks like a clown took a multicolored crap on glossy stock.
posted by wfrazerjr at 10:00 PM on May 10, 2005
Bonds uses maple, but of course, it's not the bat, right? Beech is a very common tree in many parts of the world.