SportsBlogs Nation: Kos (of DailyKos) is doing a Gawker/WeblogsInc for sports, starting with baseball. Should we be happy, jealous or ask to join up?
posted by billsaysthis to culture at 02:55 PM - 6 comments
This is pretty cool. I may have to make a part of my daily reading. I already visit every day. I wish there were a Tigers 'blog in this family though.
posted by NoMich at 03:10 PM on April 18, 2005
See also.... Personally, the mere fact it's running on scoop will keep me away. If I wanted to to wait 30 seconds for the sports page to load, I'll go to, thank you very much.
posted by danostuporstar at 04:15 PM on April 18, 2005
WHat abut those DODGERS
posted by COACH.RACCCK at 04:50 PM on April 18, 2005
If I have enough problems getting my work done here in the office without having to read about a thousand blogs, and then someone puts a link up about the cubbies. Looks like i will have to push my break back an extra 45 mins just so i can read all my blog links/forum pages.
posted by bballcoachreid at 07:36 PM on April 18, 2005
"Screw Them" Kos can take a flying leap as far as I'm concerned. I saw that cat on C-SPAN and he made me want to vomit.
posted by ZDYOLDMAN at 01:10 AM on April 19, 2005
Sorry, meant to include this NY Times article (as reposted on reg-less as part fo the FPP. Hey, Billy Beane likes it!