Bogut Brillant: Look at this list of awards in 2 years of college this from a kid here in Aussieland who struggled to make a state team in u18's. Come on yankees be honest he kicked your asses. Well on the note that Bigut should be No. 1 pick in my bias eyes whats everyones top 5. 1. Bogut - Utah 2. McCants - UNC (could be Sean May instead) 3. Chris Paul - Wake Forest, good size for NBA in my eyes 4.Villanueva - Uconn this guy may 3rd pick I like his moves 5. Chris Taft- Pitt, this guy is my smokey pick he got skills but maybe a little raw could see Felton here instead. other notiable picks/draft steals: JJ Reddick with Duke going out a touch early and having a good season his shooting I think is missed in the NBA and has more to his game that past college shooters i.e Kylie Korver. I think there are a lot of undersized guards in this draft class with Nate Robinson and the 'Ant Squad' from Illi you know those 5'11 - 6'1 guards that don't have great wing span I just think with all this mobile 6'10, 6'6 guys will become guards now so you could see Garcia as a popular choice and may see him play more guard than wing, saying that i see him as a Rip Hamilton type of player it will take a little time to get NBA ready put a great player to come off a screen but does his range hold up.
posted by bballcoachreid to basketball at 06:54 PM - 4 comments
Yeah. He's OK.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 03:49 PM on April 12, 2005
Wow, since when were paragraphs deprecated?? Is it an Aussie thing to fit as many words as possible into as small a space as possible?? Umm, and your rankings are way off.. You left out the HS kids and the euro freaks. Villaneueva is considered a much better prospect than McCants, and Paul is ahead of them both.
posted by LostInDaJungle at 05:03 PM on April 12, 2005
Bogut will at best be another Reaf Lafrenze. His passing is great, but his low post moves are predictable and slow. There will be no BYU's and Air Force Academy's to play against in the big show!!
posted by rockhard10 at 10:05 AM on April 14, 2005
My thoughts exactly.