Barry's Ex Takes a Swing: The former mistress of Barry Bonds, future tell-all author Kimberly Bell, has testified before the BALCO grand jury, claiming that he told her five years ago he was using steroids "to compete because they were so widely used in the game" and experienced physical changes such as baldness, acne, and temper.
ex hole. classy.
posted by jerseygirl at 07:50 PM on March 20, 2005
Charm school really paid off, didn't it.
posted by Drood at 01:05 AM on March 21, 2005
If I was on the grand jury when Bell testified, I would have been tempted to ask her this question, since it isn't every day you get a long-term other woman under oath: "Ms. Bell, you began seeing Mr. Bonds as his marraige was breaking up. When that was over, you kept seeing him as he courted and then married someone else, resuming your relationship right after their honeymoon. "How many times did Bonds need to marry others before you took it as a sign that things might not work out for you two?"
posted by rcade at 07:49 AM on March 21, 2005
She sounds like a gem. If Bonds has used steroids for so long, there has to be someone without a modicum of credibility to substantiate it, doesn't there?
posted by bperk at 08:30 AM on March 21, 2005
hole might actually be better than 'wife's whipping boy'
posted by garfield at 08:48 AM on March 21, 2005
Its funny how people throw the mistress under the bus. If this is even somewhat true, Bonds is coming off as a "classy" guy either. This woman has some obvious issues, and I certainly not am not defending her. Let us not protray Bonds as the victiom here.. He is obviously in control of his life.
posted by daddisamm at 08:55 AM on March 21, 2005
Even if Bonds was being victimized by a woman who saved 150 voicemail tapes as if she knew their relationship would one day be challenged in court, I'd say it's just desserts.
posted by rcade at 09:07 AM on March 21, 2005
No doubt she took measures to proteck self. I am not sticking up for this woman at all. Its take two to tango--I just dont understand the need for "girlfriends" when you are married....Pro Athletes seem have earned that right to sleep around. The woman is always blamed to be chasing the celeb for purposes of gettings riches when they get caught... Please enough is enough. If this womans proves to be a part of Bond's downfall---he has nobody to blame but himself......He was a willing participant to the affair. HItting a bunch of Home Runs doesnt put one above the law---civil or moral. That is my humble opinion!
posted by daddisamm at 09:22 AM on March 21, 2005
posted by garfield at 09:43 AM on March 21, 2005
HItting a bunch of Home Runs doesnt put one above the law---civil or moral You mean like if you go to Court and the Judge cuts your support payments, then asks for an autograph (I don't know if it was wrong, but it sure looked bad.) Like with Bonds circa 1994.
posted by chris2sy at 02:22 PM on March 21, 2005
Everybody knows that Bonds is on steriods so it doesn't matter. nothing is going to be done. Bud Selig is slower that frozen ketchup if he really doesn't think that people are using stregth enhancing drugs. baseball needs a new commishiner. Bud Selig is what makes the game of baseball so bad these days.
posted by bombersslugger at 04:13 PM on March 23, 2005
Just another swing and miss as far as I'm concerned. Jose is getting rich on a tell all roid book, why not Bonds ex hole? Everybody on earth knows Bonds was juiced so whats the big deal? Blah...Blah...ect.