The Real Deal.: Just a humorous little spring training story. For your Friday fill of funny, take a look.
Other sports have it, for instance in basketball, a shooter goes cold, a QB can have days where everything is long (not to mention Donovan by name), etc... At non-skill positions, it becomes less obvious... Did he miss that tackle because he's out of rhythm?? Is there no QB pressure becuase he's just not feeling it today?? In other sports it's called lacking confidence. Maybe they can pay some tribute to Bull Durham and just nickname the kid "Meat".
posted by LostInDaJungle at 12:30 PM on March 11, 2005
Anyone who refers to himself by a stupid, self-aggrandizing nickname merits any woes that come his way.
posted by wfrazerjr at 07:33 PM on March 11, 2005
You know...I felt sorry for Ankiel when he went through his trouble. Ankiel seemed like a good kid who just blew up. It is hard to feel sorry for anyone getting paid to play ball...but the Rickster appeared to be genuinely perplexed as to what happened with his control. The 'Real Deal' is Real Lame. Shut your pie hole junior, you ain't done jack you are just another example of an arrogant prick who is getting what he deserves. I hope the Real Deal has real fun in AA ball this year. Personally I would enjoy watching him implode in Minnesota. But I am also happy to never hear his name again.
posted by stofer71 at 11:02 AM on March 12, 2005
Now he gets to experience the Surreal Deal, or the Ankiel is damn hard even if you are labelled "can't miss" (maybe even harder then). Plus, why does baseball have so many weird mental problems associated with it? Like when a catcher suddenly can't throw the ball back to the pitcher? (otherwise known as Mackey Sasser/Dave Engle disease).