With All Thy Dirt, Get Confirmation: : this summer, Boston.com/ The Boston Globe (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Grey Lady) bought a Red Sox fan site, BostonDirtDogs. BDD was, and is, an electronic broadsheet with questionable ethics, but why would the NYT worry about poorly sourced stories when the rest of the media is only too happy to feed off the Internet crap they are so quick to warn us about? If Boston.com's editor thinks "It's a blog, for God's sake," who are we to judge, especially when our sites might not be free from mud-slinging. Guess you need a print version before you can ask for reasonable behavior in others. Don't mind me: I'm just pissed Dime Magazine was wrong about Gary Payton playing for the Celtics tonight.
I heard that Elvis was alive. Pass it on.
posted by mayerkyl at 06:32 AM on March 03, 2005
Today's follow-up with an interesting quotation from Boston.com's editor. Guess she had a change of heart on the ethical thing.
posted by yerfatma at 12:04 PM on March 03, 2005