Associate Manager Proprietary Programming: Are you interested in deciding what sports fanatics will see on TV? ESPN is hiring! The linked job came across in one of my mailing lists this morning and it made me wonder if any of us have ever worked at ESPN or auditioned for Dream Job.
posted by billsaysthis to culture at 12:10 PM - 5 comments
it made me wonder if any of us have ever worked at ESPN I can't even consider doing such a thing. I read half a sentence -- "Implement strategies focused on our programming initiatives to support all EOE programming" -- and my eyes glaze.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 12:29 PM on February 08, 2005
I know someone who works in ESPN now. That person says the BBC has been in there teaching them to set up interactive TV operations too. If anyone's interested, let me know.
posted by worldcup2002 at 12:50 PM on February 08, 2005
None o' that newfangled interactive tee vee stuff for me, I just want a researcher/writer job. About, like, sports and stuff.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 03:05 PM on February 08, 2005
lbb, you could be the John Madden of Winter Sports! Without the excesse body weight and bus.
posted by billsaysthis at 07:50 PM on February 08, 2005
i know someone who worked at espn and freelances for them now. does that count? he's produced a bunch of sports centuries.