Interview with Malcolm Gladwell: regarding the applicability of ideas in his book Blink to the world of sports. Some interesting thoughts regarding the Super Bowl, Moneyball and Isiah Thomas and his Warren Harding problem.
Great interview. Thanks, holden.
posted by rocketman at 03:07 PM on February 03, 2005
rocketman -- no problem. goddam -- thanks also for the link the Belth piece.
posted by holden at 03:28 PM on February 03, 2005
no problem. kind of weird that both interviews were posted on the same day.
posted by goddam at 03:49 PM on February 03, 2005
Terrific interview though I had some trouble with the paragraph of which this is the last sentence: "I think its time we realized that a quarterback needs the same kind of exhaustive preparation for combat that we give bodyguards and soldiers." Really Malcolm? Because if this is true, then something's very wrong with football and, more generally, pro sports.
posted by billsaysthis at 06:59 PM on February 03, 2005
alex belth also had a little chat with gladwell recently.