He Shoots, He Scores: Jordan Snipes of NCAA Div III's Guilford College shoots an 87 foot game winner with .6 seconds on the game clock. " It was Snipes’ most eventful moment in life since he suffered a collapsed lung in a Jordan-Matthews High School football game."
posted by Joey Michaels to basketball at 05:48 PM - 4 comments
The video of him doing it again is here.
posted by Joey Michaels at 01:16 PM on February 03, 2005
Amazing. Both clips are absolutely amazing. More entertaining than my former favorite basketball long-bomb.
posted by Samsonov14 at 05:22 PM on February 03, 2005
Sammy, that is the funniest clip ever. I swear to God, the first time I found it I must have watched it 20 times. Ain't coincidence grand?
posted by wfrazerjr at 10:35 PM on February 03, 2005
I saw this on the news, a reporter had him try it again in street clothes, and he took about 3 tries and made it again, unbelievable!