Giles Smith waxes lyrical: about last week's disallowed Spurs goal against Manchester United and its implications for the game as a whole. "Why go to the trouble [of applying new technology] anyway? It’s not even as if over-the-line debates happen often. The best efforts of the archivists this week yielded a maximum of five memorable incidents in 40 years. It’s hardly a storm of controversy."
oops, own. He seems to have a point but is having a laugh making it.
posted by gspm at 12:22 PM on January 12, 2005
From the column's title, I thought he was going to write about changes in W.C. equipment.
posted by billsaysthis at 02:25 PM on January 12, 2005
I agree.
posted by StarFucker at 11:58 PM on January 13, 2005
Is Giles Smith or very ow StarFucker? by chance?