Gimme the money. : Dolphins resort to a lawsuit to try and enforce their penalty clauses against Ricky Williams.
posted by lil_brown_bat to football at 07:44 PM - 6 comments
I love that all the ads on the right side of the page direct you to ticket brokers scalping Dolphins ducats. Good luck making your money back on those this year, assholes.
posted by wfrazerjr at 08:20 PM on October 30, 2004
The links not working for me lil brown bat. Where was it suppose to go? Oh, mercy's sake. That's what I get for posting on a Saturday. Idiot. Here.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 09:08 PM on October 30, 2004
So if he un-retires and is immediately suspended, does he still get the money?
posted by DrJohnEvans at 09:59 AM on October 31, 2004
Ricky Williams trying to come back all of a sudden is a joke. If he didn't have to repay 8 odd million dollars back to the team, noone would be talking about this right now. He is a damn good running back but he is not a football player in the true sense. He retired because he was sick of taking a pounding and he was just hoping the Dolphins wouldn't want their money back. He was wrong. Now that he has to pay his "hard earned" money back he is showing his true selfishness and trying to lie his way back into the league. I used to love to watch the guy play and rooted for him. Now I could care less if he falls off his big yacht and is eated by a Dolphin, haha.
posted by jennings7 at 10:29 AM on October 31, 2004
Yeah. But were I him, I'd be doing the same thing. "$8 million!... Shit, I gotta go back to work. Damn."
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 11:08 PM on October 31, 2004
The links not working for me lil brown bat. Where was it suppose to go?