Which is the NFL's classiest organization?: Based on a survey of 354 current and former players. Players couldn't vote for their own teams.
posted by Joey Michaels to football at 04:53 PM - 7 comments
The 49ers may have been a classy organization in the Debartolo ownership years, but not now. I predict Arizona Cardinals levels of futility as long as that tightwad John York owns the team and his yes-man Donahue runs it. If the city administration or voters of San Francisco give these men a dime, they're idiots. York won't spend a penny now, and he definitely wouldn't after getting a new stadium. I hope the fans stay away until they get someone with half a clue in the front office. Luck isn't the only thing. Bill Walsh's legacy has evaporated, Joe Montana is a faint memory, and Steve Young is known more for his failed bid to buy the team from the Yorks than anything else he might have done wearing the 49ers uniform... Now, there are two men who define the 49ers, and only two men: York and Donahue.
posted by dusted at 06:46 PM on October 19, 2004
Steve Young is known more for not being able to buy a team than for his incredible career? On what fucking planet? Or, as usual, am I missing something?
posted by NoMich at 07:39 PM on October 19, 2004
NoMich, I live here in the Land of the 49ers, read SpoFi and the local newspaper sports section every morning and yet I am not aware Young ever bid for the team.
posted by billsaysthis at 07:44 PM on October 19, 2004
Yep, that part was utter and complete bull... but the other stuff he said is true.
posted by dusted at 08:49 PM on October 19, 2004
Packers, obviously. An utter anomaly in US team sports -- not just in terms of its ownership structure, which is now prohibited in the NFL. If the Packers didn't already exist, no-one would think of putting an expansion franchise in Green Bay, WI.
posted by etagloh at 08:37 AM on October 20, 2004
I hate the root "class-" when applied to teams, fans, organizations, etc. Ugh.
posted by mbd1 at 09:01 AM on October 20, 2004
Packers on top, Cardinals at the bottom. As the comment at the bottom of the chart suggests, it seems that most of the teams at the bottom also have poor records over their history.