September 14, 2004

"There is a strong tradition in baseball of not mixing politics with the game": according to Bill James. However, essentially, the Red Sox are Democrats, and the Yankees the G.O.P. Unless, essentially, they are not.

posted by gspm to baseball at 07:53 AM - 3 comments

That would certainly be a nightmare scenario: Sox win world series on 7th game on Halloween... victory celebration on Monday or Tuesday of Election day.... drunken fans don't bother to show up.... and amazingly Kerry loses by one state: Massachusetts!! My loyalties are torn. But I guess Armageddon is a small price to pay for a Sox victory...

posted by hincandenza at 09:46 AM on September 14, 2004

My loyalties are torn. But I guess Armageddon is a small price to pay for a Sox victory... Hehe, and there will be no opportunity for another near-century long dry spell or new curses to pop up. I think Hal's line sums up, better than any I have seen anywhere, the BoSox fan.

posted by pivo at 01:49 PM on September 14, 2004

So the Giants are the Green Party?

posted by billsaysthis at 02:50 PM on September 14, 2004

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