Better late than never? : It should have been on a February night in 2002, before a crowd of thousands in Salt Lake City. Instead, Beckie Scott (CAN) finally received her Olympic gold medal in a relatively small ceremony on June 25, 2004. At least they didn't mail it to her.
The wrong shall fail and the right prevail, maybe, sometimes, eventually...
posted by lil_brown_bat to other at 09:35 PM - 2 comments
I love the fact that there is some woman (they don't say in the article, and I can't be bothered to look it up) who finished 5th in the race that is now getting a medal. Boy, us Canucks sure do have to earn our gold medals. There always seems to be something fishy about the Russians that beat us...(see pairs figure skating as well).
posted by grum@work at 06:05 PM on July 03, 2004
Ah, swift speedy justice.