An interesting but long series of stories about Bud Selig: The Washington Post has written a three-part series about Selig and his backroom dealings. Part 2 deals with Selig's involvement in the sad state of Les/Los Expos. Part 3 discusses Selig's role in negotiations of the Expo's move and his relationship with Orioles' owner Peter Angelos. Offers some interesting insight into the business of baseball as well as plenty of ammunition for all those that loathe the current Commish. (Reg req'd. Go here, if necessary)
posted by aupa_athletic to baseball at 01:30 PM - 3 comments
Also, there's a transcript from this afternoon's chat with the author here. So this is what it feels like to be scooped!
posted by Jugwine at 02:29 PM on June 29, 2004
Well, Selig might be a bad guy. I personally don't know him, and I'm reluctant to judge him. But I do know that Miller Park is a helluva place to watch a ball game. I do know that the Brewers are finally starting to compete. Both are perhaps in spite of Bud's best efforts, but I doubt that.
posted by rocketman at 03:03 PM on June 29, 2004
Also discussed by Salon's King Kaufman.