The WNBA starts its 2004 season tonight, and Nancy Lieberman is taking the easy way out and picking LA to take the championship. Personally, even though she's the expert, I think there are a few points she hasn't considered, such as:
posted by lil_brown_bat to basketball at 08:31 PM - 5 comments
Mmmmm.... Sue Bird....
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 09:08 PM on May 20, 2004
Ohhhhhhhmmmmmmmhhhmmhmhmmmm. Lauren Jackson.... Actually, Anne Donovan is going to be a way better coach for those players than Linn Dunn ever could have been. Expect them to make a big step forward. I like the Mystics & the Sun too (this is the year there's gonna be some serious turnover at the top of the league, with only Detroit staying good from last year), and I can't wait to see how the hell they plan on shoehorning a court into Radio City. (Obviously, they've worked it out, but what an odd setup it's going to be.) I'll go if I can, and if I do, I'll take pictures.
posted by chicobangs at 11:46 PM on May 22, 2004
Not to mention (StormFilter!) that they're 2-0 now after laying a serious stomping on the Sparks. Yay-ah!
posted by chicobangs at 11:59 PM on May 22, 2004
Not to mention (StormFilter!) that they're 2-0 now after laying a serious stomping on the Sparks. Yay-ah! There are few sights more pleasurable than seein' the Storm rendering a smackdown on the Sparks. It's particularly nice when you can see someone (that is, the divine Ms. LJ) who can get on the court with Lisa Leslie and give as good as she gets. Oh, were those extensions, Lisa???
posted by lil_brown_bat at 08:59 AM on May 23, 2004
i haven't followed the league in a few years, so i couldn't give you an educated opinion. i only recognize 2 players on the liberty roster this year. but, what the hell is up with playing at Radio City. the liberty have a few games there this season as well. it's a fucking theater. that's gotta be awkward to watch.