Talking MLS expansion with the Rhinos: Chris Economides, vice president, general manager, and part owner of the A-League's Rochester Raging Rhinos, seems to have his act together, though he admits the 'promotion' might lower revenues. But is the league ready for more two more teams? Attendance, league-wide, is up an average of about 600 per game, probably mostly due to Adu.
posted by billsaysthis to soccer at 07:30 PM - 8 comments
i went to their home opener the following year at frontier field. it's about time they built a soccer stadium up there. the seating in that park is not exactly conducive to watching a soccer game.
posted by goddam at 08:27 PM on May 20, 2004
I try to make as many Rhinos games as possible. Every year, they put together a quality team. The fans are fanatics. They're better with the community than the other sports teams in town. They get more people in the stands than they do for baseball games. It's about time they get a new stadium ... they ruin the baseball field. Frontier Field, though, is a great park for a baseball game.
posted by jasonspaceman at 09:53 PM on May 20, 2004
jason, what happened to bill andracki? did he finally retire?
posted by goddam at 10:07 PM on May 20, 2004
That statement redefinies speciousness. Any source for that? Of course, why would I make up something like that? Is my reputation here so bad? I got the numbers right off the official MLS website (2004, 2003, scroll down to Team Attendance).
posted by billsaysthis at 11:05 PM on May 20, 2004
Not the numbers, the fact Adu is responsible for the change.
posted by yerfatma at 10:56 AM on May 21, 2004
when dc's average road attendance numbers are up 10,000 from last year i don't think it's a far-fetched speculation that it's, as billy said, "probably mostly due to Adu." not 100%, absolutely, positively, but probably mostly. what's wrong with making the same assumptions on the numbers that every broadcaster i've heard so far is making. the numbers could drop over the course of the season. but when he makes his first apperance at each stadium this year i think we'll still see higher than normal numbers.
posted by goddam at 11:24 AM on May 21, 2004
yerfatma, what goddam said plus the one big data point from personal experience, which was when DC played at San Jose a few weeks ago and attendance was 17-18,000 compared to about 8-9000 otherwise.
posted by billsaysthis at 05:08 PM on May 21, 2004
up an average of about 600 per game, probably mostly due to Adu That statement redefinies speciousness. Any source for that? Nice to see they're getting a park. It's a far cry from their first game, which I attended simply because it was on campus at UR.