"Commissioner - you have the worst goddamned job in the world.": The NY Daily News interviews one Mr. Allen "Bud" Selig.
That quote would be better if you inserted a 'done' inbetween the 'have' and the 'the'. That said, I enjoyed Selig's explanation of promoting diversity in the organizations. I almost respected him a bit. Then I remembered that he's Satan's wetnurse and the moment ended. Thanks for the link, though, Jugwine.
posted by Ufez Jones at 09:47 PM on May 17, 2004
Good interview, thanks Jugwine. When you look back at Selig's record in aggregate, it really isn't that bad. Most of the problems he has faced were not of his creation. My biggest problem with him, (and one he briefly alludes to in the article) is that he just appears to lack passion for the game like Giammati had. Perception isn't everything, but it's something.
posted by vito90 at 08:51 AM on May 18, 2004
After thinking about it, I think my biggest problem with Selig is that he's trying to sell us a mixed message. From one side of his mouth, he's claiming that baseball is in dire straits and teams are going under and competitive imbalance is causing people to lose interest in the game. Then out of the other he's talking about how revenues are at an all time high and "there's not much wrong with baseball today". It makes him seem ingenuous. He has done some good things for the game, but his failures and blunders (the '94 strike, contraction, the Expos sale, to name a few) have been so public and spectacular that I think they overshadow the positives.
posted by Jugwine at 04:24 PM on May 18, 2004
It's not particularly hard-hitting, but I've always thought you should know thy enemy. I would have liked it if he was asked about the shifty situation with the Expos, but he does touch on the '94 work stoppage, Pete Rose and the current steroid controversy.