"How did you find that out?" Boone asked.: Early one morning in mid-October, he dealt a forceful groin kick to Red Sox Nation, and now it's possible he could be joining that very team. Aaron Boone is supposed to return in August and Boston is one of the teams interested in signing him. Damn irony.
posted by jerseygirl to baseball at 06:05 PM - 22 comments
Perhaps Mookie Wilson, Babe Ruth and Enos Slaughter are also available. Oh wait, the Sox already have poor fielders at those positions already . . .
posted by yerfatma at 01:33 AM on May 16, 2004
God, Boone? Haven't we suffered enough already? One of these days I'm going to find a baseball article that isn't about the Red Sox or Yankees and golldarn it - I'm going to post it. That's the thing Weedy, anyone here is free to post anything about any team they wish. That they don't is the mystery.
posted by justgary at 01:53 AM on May 16, 2004
One of these days I'm going to find a baseball article that isn't about the Red Sox or Yankees and golldarn it - I'm going to post it. go for it. in fact i'd welcome more posting, and less complaining about how you hate the red sox, yankees, etc.
posted by jerseygirl at 08:12 AM on May 16, 2004
We have had FPPs about SF Outfielder and MoneyBall, neither of which are about the Yankees or Washed Out Sox.
posted by billsaysthis at 01:57 PM on May 16, 2004
Hey, now all's fair - you get to FPP about Red Sox rumors, I get to say how much I don't like the Sox. It's not personal. We just beat Pedro! That might be. And frankly I like baseball - one of the few remaining where I am and I feel constantly bombarded by Sox and Yankees in every conversation. Plus, it's tough being third (OK fourth) in the one freaking division in baseball where the top two teams have millions more than my team. So, JGirl - you're obviously passionate about your Sox, and you obviously have a strong distaste for the Yankees - I feel the same way - but additionally I just can't stand the RED SOX. (And there's no point in my FPPing about the Jays - no one cares, and there's nothing to talk about). And I'd like to think that in my time here I've done more than just complain.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 02:42 PM on May 16, 2004
I care about all baseball, not just the red sox Weedy. But because they're my favorite team, I notice news about them before I do other teams. I, for one, would welcome posts about any team, including the blue jays, especially from fans who follow those teams.
posted by justgary at 02:50 PM on May 16, 2004
it's tired Weedy. We get it, you hate the red sox and the yankees. A million times, you hate the red sox and yankees. It doesn't add to the conversation, especially when you basically reiterate the same point over and over and over. jesus, i hate the yankees but still manage to contribute something that isn't contrary to the threads. hell, i post Yankee threads. one of the few remaining where I am and I feel constantly bombarded by Sox and Yankees in every conversation. then bombard everyone back. i try to keep up with smaller media outlets out of Boston and New York and anything that comes into the national spotlight, i can't post about my team and your team and his team and that guys team too. i said the same thing to jbou, but i don't mean this with the same vitriol as i used with him: put up or shut up. something has to be going on with your team or the local news revolving around your team. what's riccardi doing? how's halladay compared to last year? what about that red sox killing bastard catalanatto? they have to be covering the Blue Jays in a Toronto paper, sopost it. Even if no one adds to the thread,for the love of God, just post it. There are other Blue Jays fans and I assure you, there will be more who join. Plus, some of us can contribute to the thread even if we aren't dedicated Toronto fans. POST IT.
posted by jerseygirl at 03:16 PM on May 16, 2004
That's a complete overreaction. There are too many Sox/ Yankees threads in terms of overall baseball threads. There's not much to be done about it unless other people start posting non-Sox/ Yanks material though. Don't see why people can't bitch about it.
posted by yerfatma at 04:56 PM on May 16, 2004
Fine. Then I guess the solution to stop the bitching is to stop the Red Sox or Yankee posting. Not a problem on my end.
posted by jerseygirl at 05:13 PM on May 16, 2004
However - I do enjoy the bitching - obviously. But, I will endeavor to keep my bitching to a minimum. JGirl - did you watch today's game? I have to give the Sox props despite the loss- they genuinely seem to like each other - and if Varitek isn't the most unnoticed superstar in the L then I don't know who is. Cattalanotto is an interesting case - this guy has always hit - yet I think because of his combination of position and lack of power or speed makes him such a bargain for a team like the Jays. He's just one of those hard guys to figure out where he's optimumly used in the lineup - not really a 2 or 3 guy - but really would be underused anywhere below 5. He's a pure hitter though - one of those guys that just looks so 'hittery' in the batter's box. Halladay's for real - he's 4-4 now - but in his 4 losses the team has managed only 1.4 runs support. Jays are good - with a loaded minors, but one or two key injuries takes them totally out of it. Man if watching the Sox and Yanks has shown me anything - it's that depth is everything (Someone say Ruben Sierra?). And for the record - I think the Sox are a better team than the Yankees this year - and I think they'll meet the Cubs in the series. I'd be more frightened of a Pedro, Schilling, Lowe combo than a Mussina, Brown, Vasquez. It is inevitable that Brown will break down sometime. Your a valued contributor to Spofi - in fact, I'd say it would be poorer in your abscence. So I'll chalk this up to me having a bad day. Unemployed. Sucks. Must deflect waining self-respect against Sox nation.... As always - all the best.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 10:40 PM on May 16, 2004
There are too many Sox/ Yankees threads in terms of overall baseball threads. There's not much to be done about it unless other people start posting non-Sox/ Yanks material This has been brought up many times, and I still don't get it. How does sox/yankees threads hurt sportsfilter at all? What amount makes it too much? We have three - five threads a day. Too much of anything is not a problem. Threads are not being pushed off the page. If you see a red sox thread and you hate talking about the red sox, don't click it. If you take away the sox/yankees posts, baseball would be almost nonexistent. That WOULD be a problem. The problem is not the sox/yankees threads, but the lack of threads for other teams, and when potential posters say "there's no point in my FPPing about the Jays - no one cares, and there's nothing to talk about", I'm not sure what else to do. It reminds me of my marriage. If my wife cooks chicken every nght because she likes chicken and I'm tired of chicken and I complain, she'll tell me I'm welcome to cook any night I wish. Same goes here. Don't see why people can't bitch about it. You can complain, but it adds nothing to the site, which is why from the beginning complaints were asked to be sent to the sportsfilter admin. Secondly, its complaining to the wrong group. The people who take time out to look for links and word them and post them are not the problem. They add to the site, and they deserve more than empty complaints.
posted by justgary at 12:02 AM on May 17, 2004
How does sox/yankees threads hurt sportsfilter at all? I don't know that it does. Just my opinion, based on the previous Sox-related thread. That trade was silly on it's face and two out of three cities' media outlets were already denying it. Personally, what I love about this site is it's not talk radio; that trade rumor is exactly the kind of thing a caller to 'EEI would propose in mid winter and then ask, "Do you think we'd be getting value?" Fine. Then I guess the solution to stop the bitching is to stop the Red Sox or Yankee posting. Oh no oh no oh no, don't take your ball and run home. How will we keep playing? Let's see if you can go 3-3 in overreactions in this thread.
posted by yerfatma at 06:18 AM on May 17, 2004
In the talk radio version they would never have given up Damon...substitute Brian Daubach.
posted by YukonGold at 07:08 AM on May 17, 2004
Like Gary said, the bitching adds nothing and presumably neither does sitting back while critiquing everyone else's content, or lack thereof, either. Instead of just bringing problems to the table, I am trying to bring solutions as well. Since I can't force people to start contributing otherwise, cutting down on my Boston/NY posting is my solution. It wasn't an overreaction, it was a means of trying to solving the issue at hand. We'll see how it goes I guess. anyway. Weedy, good stuff about Toronto. As a Boston fan, I really hate Catalanatto. But that just says how good he is. He always gets to us. He's just one of those guys who you know is going to come up with an RBI double when the team really needs it. I really respect Ricciardi and think in the long term the Jays will be more than okay. I also agree with you about Varitek - for the last few years, he's been one of my favorite players. I hope they work something out and get him re-signed. At this point though, it's hard to say who (boston or ny) is better. The Yankees went through a rough slump in the beginning but battled all the way back to the top of the AL East. It was fun for a while to see them struggle, but deep down you just knew they'd start hitting sooner than later.
posted by jerseygirl at 07:47 AM on May 17, 2004
I do have to agree about Catalanatto. He's got to be top 10 in the list of people I least want to see coming to the plate against the Sox in a key situation. Or at all. Doubly so since it looks like he shouldn't be out late on school nights.
posted by yerfatma at 08:18 AM on May 17, 2004
I couldn't believe he was 30.
posted by jerseygirl at 08:36 AM on May 17, 2004
I read about this in the Post on Saturday while I was in NY and wondered how it would play back here. There are a number of teams competing for Boone, and the Sox would love to upgrade at third. No one expected Mueller to reproduce last year's numbers, but I don't think anyone thought he'd be as much of an offensive liability as he's been so far. I have to wonder, though, how this would play with the fans. I know that sentimentality shouldn't enter into contract negotiations, but I can't imagine anyone cheering when Aaron Boone takes the field at Fenway. Not this season anyway.
posted by Jugwine at 09:58 AM on May 17, 2004
Mueller has a higher career BA and OBP than Boone. Stick with Mueller. What are the chances of Boone joining the team in August and being in pennant race/post season form? (unless you want him to repeat last year's feat of batting under .200 in the post season) I say about nill...
posted by crank at 10:23 AM on May 17, 2004
Have we gotten to the kiss-and-make-up part yet?
posted by wfrazerjr at 12:01 PM on May 17, 2004
As for life outside the big markets, the Cardinals have gotten off to a really weird start. After beating the crap out of the ball for the part few weeks of the season while suffering from lousy pitching, the exact reverse has happened the last few weeks. Our friends at Redbird Nation have a nice dissertation on the reemergence of Whiteyball in the Gateway City while Albert Pujols tries to regain his stroke.
posted by wfrazerjr at 12:10 PM on May 17, 2004
that trade rumor is exactly the kind of thing a caller to 'EEI would propose in mid winter and then ask, "Do you think we'd be getting value?" I can understand what you're saying, but to me this wasn't "will this trade help us", but more regarding the irony of the guy who sent the red sox home last year joining that very team a year later. For me, that's a funny/interesting situation, even if I wasn't a fan of the sox.
posted by justgary at 01:57 PM on May 17, 2004
One of these days I'm going to find a baseball article that isn't about the Red Sox or Yankees and golldarn it - I'm going to post it.