For those of you who think the Padres are dogging it ...: Your friends at PETA, the folks who brought you anger over John Randle chasing a chicken in a Nike ad, have now snuck a secret message into a memorial brick at San Diego's new PETCO Park. Personally, I think everyone should just get together for a BBQ and chill out.
I wish I could donate to this specific cause without donating to PETA. Frankly, I'm usually more upset with PETA's campaigns than I am with whatever they're protesting against. In this case though, I find the cause worthy and the secret message rather clever.
posted by 86 at 11:46 AM on April 19, 2004
PETCO is being unusually smart about this too - most people won't notice it, we're not going to remove the brick - most corps you hear about are busy shooting themselves in the foot on things like this
posted by kokaku at 01:33 PM on April 19, 2004
jason, if you have Showtime you should really make a point of watching the recent episode of Penn & Teller Bullshit dealing with PETA.
posted by billsaysthis at 05:15 PM on April 19, 2004
I like little puppies and kitties, and I love a nice, thick steak, but I hate PETA. The manner is which they choose to make their stance known (aside from this idea, which I thought was cute) does more harm to animal-rights activism than it does good. I'd be more inclined to help out on a national scale if 1) my money wouldn't go to these morons and 2) there weren't about a zillion ACTUAL HUMAN BEINGS starving in the world. When your out bitchslapping people over a dead monkey, but you have to step over 10 homeless people to get to PETCO headquarters, your priorities are screwed up.
posted by wfrazerjr at 08:49 PM on April 19, 2004
I guess, based on your generalizations, that I am not your typical PETA member. I think PETA does do good for animal rights issues. Someone has to be taking stances that might be controversial, which has been proven worthwhile, even in our own history. Some of these stances might backfire in your face, true, but it is all a means to accomplish a goal, which is to reduce animal cruelty, whether the animal is meant to be food or a pet. I could care less what you eat. So what do you do for those zillion human beings being starved? I am not saying I am better than you but do not generalize people because of a common goal. I care and look out for humans just as much as I do for animals because I think it is the right thing to do. So no, my priorities are not screwed up.
posted by jasonspaceman at 10:15 PM on April 19, 2004
it's the point now where i really really hate peta and just don't pay attention to any fucking thing they do/say anymore because they've become so extreme and unrealistic in their idiologies and measures. yes, wearing fur is not good. yes, sticking mascara wands in bunny eyes is bad. puppy mills, obviously bad. but until i can wear grass shoes with moss soles to work and not have them get squishy when i step in a puddle, i am sorry, but i am sporting leather from time to time.
posted by jerseygirl at 10:53 PM on April 19, 2004
I am going to go out on a limb here considering my time here everyone has been very friendly to me to confess ... I'm a member of PETA, meaning I make a yearly donation, because I support many of their campaigns. Throwing around a 'pigskin' and using leather balls for basketball and baseball doesn't bother me one bit. Looking at mostly naked women promoting a vegan diet doesn't bother me one bit either. I think it is great PETA pulled one on Petco. This has nothing to do with eating meat, it has to do with Petco mistreating common family-bound 'pets.' I could care less how much money they donate to shelters and whatnot, it's dirty money anyways.