When you just have to know ...: the PF who set that devestating pick in the 1991 Duke-Georgia Tech game. Yep, that was Malcolm Mackey. Wow!!! Charlie Board's ACC Stats Archive. This also confirms my memory of Rodney Monroe as one of the greatest players to come through the ACC.
posted by Mike McD to basketball at 04:23 PM - 3 comments
Yep, it's a fantastic resource for ACC fans. And I'm off on Quarterfinal Friday - but I'll be skiing in Vermont. Nominally.
posted by mbd1 at 07:05 PM on March 10, 2004
I just found out I have to be in Germany for the first 2-3 days of the NCAAs. And my gf's birthday is the fourth day, so I can't spend it completely vegged in front of the TV. Oh, cruel fate.
posted by tieguy at 09:02 PM on March 10, 2004
Great link, surprised I haven't posted it earlier. The top level (sportsstats.com) also has a number of other repositories of data on the ACC and other such things. I use it all the time to answer ACC trivia issues raised on mailing lists or at DBR. Slightly off the thread topic, am I the only one here taking Friday off from work to watch the ACC tourney? :)